Yeah, I know. And as a newcomer to skylanders, I quickly learned that its all about the secondary sales. Fine. But its tough to want to buy anything when the intro level you allow us to play cant even be completed without a nag for every single element. Really? Maybe put together a tutorial level that new players can enjoy and get hooked on.
That said, what I could play was lots of fun. Too many cut scenes, but they were building the story I cant play unless I decide to commit a bunch of money. But the puzzles were fun, the racing was fun, the graphics are fun.
In a year, will this be having the same issues Trap Team is having now? Will there be compatibility updates? Or will it become an unstable train wreck?
If Im going to spend this kind of money, I think I may need to go with my console instead.
H. Melville about Skylanders SuperChargers